Cost tal aelodaeth yr Urdd eleni yw £10 am y flwyddyn 2023-24
Urdd membership is due at a cost of £10 for the year 2023-24
Aelodaeth teulu (3 neu fwy o blant) £25
Family membership (for 3 or more children) £25
Gallwch wneud hwn arlein ar:
You can pay this online on:
I gymryd rhan yng nghystadleuaeth coginio Cogurdd eleni bydd RHAID ymaelodi cyn bydd y Rownd gyntaf Cogurdd yn cymryd rhan mis Hydref 2023
To take part in the Cogurdd cooking competition this term you will HAVE to join before the first cooking round will take place in October 2023
Adran i Blant Bl 3-6
Adran is for children years 3-6
Cogurdd Rownd 1 24ain o Hydref 2023/ Cogurdd Competition Round 1 24th October 2023

Pob clod i bawb gymerodd rhan eleni roedd safon y cynnyrch olaf sef salad yn hynod o greadigol a lliwgar. Ruby fuodd yn fuddugol gyda Ocean yn 2ail .....fel gallwch weld roedd safon y cystadlu yn uchel unwaith eto eleni ! Diolch i Mrs Davies a Mrs Griffiths am feirniadu yr holl gystadlu.

A huge thank you to all the pupils that participated in the cogurdd competition. As you can see the standard of all the produce was exceptionally high once again with a range of creative and colourful dishes.
Ruby will go through to the next round in November. Thank you also to Mrs Davies & Mrs Griffiths for adjudicating this year once again.